Valuable translations:


  • 20 years of professional experience in this market.
  • The largest translation projects implemented in Lithuanian.
  • ISO 9001: 2015 and LST EN 17100: 2015 and internal standards and systematic integration of all quality areas.
  • LEAN – based business processes.
  • Currently the most advanced IT technology in administration
    and quality management of translations in the EU.
  • An affective communication and feedback system.


  • Corresponds to each client’s terminology, products, services and translations to date.

Integrated into Your communication.

  • Cutomized content.
  • The result is not only quality translations, but also translations, that help the company achieve its goals.

Following values:

  • Performed in an organization that is guided by the principles of sustainable business and conscious leadership.

    Other recent memorable translations:


  • LRT directly broadcasted The Holy Father’s speech and sermon for the people of Lithuania. Translators from the translation agency Ars Libri provided assistance during the broadcast.
    You can follow it HERE
  • The meeting between the Presind of the Republic of Lithuania D. Grybauskaitė and German Chancellor Angela Merkel was broadcasted by LRT. The Presidents of Estonia and Latvia also took part in the discussion. Translators from translation agency Ars libri provided assistance during the broadcast.
  • LRT broadcasted a meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin discussing the US military exercises in the Baltic States, and translators from translation agency Ars libri provided assistance during the broadcast.
  • LRT broadcasted a Royal wedding between Price Harry and Meghan Markle, with viewers eagerly expecting the possibility to watch the ceremony from their homes. Translators from translation agency Ars libri provided assistance during the broadcast.