We have experienced expert translators. We specialize in translation of specialized texts and long-term project documentation – usually large in scope and with tight deadlines.
Every translation field requires specific knowledge, skills, and long-standing interest. Our experience shows that one translator cannot be an expert in all fields and that is why translations are grouped by fields with the best translators and revisers assigned to them. 18 -years of experience, a carefully selected database with over 500 translators, great teamwork skills, terminology databases, external and internal management, and quality standards enable us to offer equally professional services in all areas of expertise.
Legal translation. Legal translations require two things – the translator’s qualification as well as legal knowledge and terminology. Having this in mind, we tend to work with translators who have degrees in philology and law, implementing a multi-step translation quality control system. The key factor in this type of translation is accuracy, even a small mistake can determine the outcome of legal proceedings. We are justly proud of our cooperation with several dozens of law firms, translations of very complex and high-profile cases entrusted to us, helping us to gather diverse experience in this field. Our areas of expertise in legal translation include:
corporate law (employment agreements, Articles of Association, incorporation and registration documents, etc.); public law (laws and resolutions, directives, regulations, tender documentation, tax law and other legislation); legal documents (arbitration, civil, insolvency, winding-up, criminal proceedings, other judicial documentation), intellectual property law (patents, design, copyright, etc.); real estate and construction law, other fields of law.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.
Economic and financial translation. This type of translation requires not only knowledge on the economy, banking, terminology, abbreviations, and professional jargon, but also extreme meticulousness and attention to details. Economic and financial translators and revisers check translations several times to make sure there are no inaccuracies. On a daily basis, we translate different texts, usually entrusted to us by our regular clients, therefore we are used to noticing even the tiniest details: from terminological consistency to numbers and dates adjusted to a particular language. Our areas of expertise in economic and financial translation include: banking (deposits, saving, investment, specifications of banking services); capital markets (shares, bonds, investment funds, etc.); corporate finance (financial statements, quarterly, annual income statements, balance sheets, auditor’s reports and opinions, bank statements); market research, statistical surveys, etc.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.
Insurance translation. Our long experience, glossaries compiled according to clients’ requests and insurance translators allow us to cooperate with the leading Lithuanian insurance companies. Our areas of expertise in insurance translation include:
terms and conditions for all types of insurance, insurance contracts, policies, declarations, etc.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.
Marketing translation. Marketing translation must deliver the meaning and the spirit of the text, making sure that it sounds appropriately in the target market and group. Working with such texts requires deep knowledge of the target language and cultural environment, a particular “empathy” for the text and its reader. Talent and skills of a copywriter and artist often come in hand here. We work with advertising, public relations, and communication agencies, corporate marketing and communication departments. We specialize in translating:
promotional texts, press releases, websites, brochures.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.
Other types of creative translation. Translating articles, magazines, books, journalistic texts and articles of popular science reveals the true translation mastery and art encoded in our company name.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.
Medical translation. Translation mistakes in medical texts may cost lives. Understanding the importance of our job and responsibility, every step of translation is subject to threefold control: first of all, medical texts are entrusted only to medical professionals who know the language as well as are able to understand the content and grasp what is described. Then texts are revised by an editor of that particular field and that particular language. To avoid even the tiniest mistake, we use not only the peer review approach but also translation software allowing us to transfer numbers and formulas, harmonize terminology. Of course, long experience, field-specific medical glossaries we compile, reliable translators and medical professionals are the key to our great performance. For that, we are trusted by the leading pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers, and representatives of medical devices and equipment. Our areas of expertise in medical translation include extremely complex texts: descriptions and manuals for medical equipment, devices and tools, package leaflets for medicinal products (descriptions of medicinal products, usage instructions, ingredients, etc.), laboratory test reports and medical expertise, medical statements and medical reports, conformity certificates for medicinal devices, etc.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.
Natural science translation. Natural sciences cover physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, Earth sciences and to some extent, interdisciplinary sciences. As is the case with translation in other fields, these texts are entrusted to specialists who are well acquainted with natural sciences and their terminology. If needed, we consult with scientists, go deeper into the subject and find the best term or the best equivalent for a neologism. We specialize in translating chemical compositions, descriptions of different substances, descriptions of chemical tests, texts about environmental protection, etc. Translating scientific articles, reviews and research papers is different from translating articles of popular science where we can put our creative skills to use.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.
Technical translation. Even though the term “technology” itself is very wide, technical translations usually deal with a well-defined, narrow field. You have probably come across a user’s manual where you can understand all words, the language seems correct, but you are still not sure what to do. To avoid that, specialized texts are entrusted to translators who specialize in that particular field and, if needed, we always consult with specialists. We have noticed that, as is the case with other fields, translators must be specialists in the field, be perfectly aware of how the device is operating to communicate the message to the user, even if the source text sounds ambiguous. A good translation is different from a bad one in its ability to communicate the meaning, not words.
We specialize in translating various technical documentation, instructions, and descriptions, safety sheets, user’s manuals, texts about electronics and electricity, new devices and household supplies. We also work with documentation related to automotive industries, construction, mechanical engineering, environmental protection, civil engineering, drafts, and plans.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.
IT translation. We have translated the most ambitious and largest IT projects to ever have been implemented in Lithuania. They have challenged us to manage tens of thousands of pages, large teams of translators and editors, harmonize terminology to ensure that every party to the project – the State, EU structures and the private company – speaks the same language, i.e. uses consistent terminology. Planning and organizational work have brought their own challenge. Knowing that the translation is the last link which must minimize the outcomes of poor planning, for instance, when there is only one day left for translation, we have learned to make impossible things possible because we are committed to our partnership and responsibility. We have learned to apply preventive planning measures in projects of national importance. We are also used to working in close partnership at other project stages – before receiving texts for translation to make sure everything goes smoothly. This field is always full of innovation, therefore our translators and editors consistently check for new terms, discuss with each other what’s new and relevant, consult with other specialists.
We specialize in translating documentation for development and support of computer and information systems, user’s manuals for various information technologies, software descriptions and instructions, descriptions of new IT products.
For specific references please send an e-mail to info@arslibri.lt.